Reports & Package Services  

Land Package - (Undeveloped Land)
An independent professional report compiling all the known and statutory information about a parcel of land for development.  An essential tool to save time, consultant, due diligence and legal costs and know what you're dealing with as soon as a property looks like a good prospect. Includes title information and plans, easements, searches, zoning, contours, access and road hierarchy’s, vegetation restrictions, flood alerts, headwork's  and infrastructure charges, approvals in place, service connection points, photography, and an outline of the development processes required.
Land Package - (Developed Land)
An independent professional report compiling all the known and statutory information about a parcel of land that has been developed and is intended to acquire for building development.  An essential tool to save time, design consultant and legal costs and know that a property is fully serviced without hidden obligations, restrictions, or costs.
Development Report - (Land Development)
An independent professional report outlining the key development considerations and potential product options and yield of a site.  May extend to layout plans that more accurately consider yield with respect to the shape, contour, and specific constraints and opportunities of a parcel of land.
Development Report - (Building Development)
An independent professional report outlining the key development considerations and potential product options and yield of a site.  May extend to block plans that more accurately consider yield with respect to the shape, contour, and specific constraints and opportunities of a parcel of land.
Issues Report - (Building or Land Development)
An independent professional report prepared for Buyers, Sellers, Lessees, Lessors, or Agents, addressing any land, property, or development issue or objection.  These reports are intended to properly address and provide a resolution of matters that may affect or are impeding a property transaction.
Industry or Business Needs - Analysis and Planning Report
An independent professional report for organisations intending to occupy existing or proposed premises as owner or a tenant.  Based on an interview and group development process to define, spatial requirements, locational constraints, logistical considerations, aesthetic standards needed, operational  or manufacturing requirements, identify organisational culture influences, and growth provisions.  Comparisons are made against standard benchmarks to optimise business outcomes.
Business Case - Justification - (Industry and business)
An independent professional review of the changed one-off and recurring business costs and revenues involved if relocating, leasing, upgrading, or changing operational methodology or technologies.  The resulting report looks at return on capital in comparison with company hurdle rates, and may be used by accountants to assess impacts on business financials. Analysis may range from new office space to Greenfield storage or manufacturing site.
Design Brief and Tender Documents - (Building Occupation)
Documents for the procurement of office, warehouse, or manufacturing floor space by Leasing existing buildings, or contracting with Developers for the design and construction of new premises to lease or own.
Site Search Report - (Land and Building) Development, Office, Industrial Tenancies and D&C.)
Prepared with the cooperation of Agents, and using local contacts and knowledge, on-line systems, and development reports, this is the best way to compile all currently or soon available options for purchase or leasing of floor space, or sites for development.  Includes some analysis of the pro’s and con’s of each location and may be compiled anonymously as an initial consideration of alternatives.  Commercial agency recommendations are also included in relation to the enquiry.
Market Analysis - Report (Building and Land Development)
An analysis of the likely form and demand for development product in the market. May be brief or detailed in nature and extend to defining the project scope.   May also extend to consideration of demographic and economic trends, competition analysis, and sales price and rate forecasting.
Preliminary Feasibility Study (Building and Land Development)
Preliminary development form and yield, cost and revenue estimates, cash flow forecasts, finance and interest costs, return on costs and sales, internal rate of return. Ideal for examining development viability and commencing discussions with financiers, equity investors, and other stakeholders.
Detailed Feasibility - Study (Building and Land Development)
Advanced development form and yield, cost and revenue estimates, cash flow forecasts, finance and interest costs, return on costs and sales, internal rate of return. Undertaken once initial project viability has been established and involves the preparation of plans, preliminary schematic and engineering designs, detailed cost estimates and revenue forecasts.  A model is established for the ongoing management and reporting against original objectives at the time of commitment.

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